Laparoscopic Management of Gallstone Ileus
This is a 75 years old female who presented to the emergency room with 2 days history of generalized abdominal pain and found to have abdominal distention and generalized abdominal tenderness with her ct scan showing abnormal connection between gallbladder and first portion of duodenum called fistula as well as large gallstone lodged in the distal jejunum causing small bowel obstruction. This condition is called “Gallstone Ileus”. It is rare complication of having large gallstone causing constant direct pressure over the duodenum and due chronic inflammation creating a fistula (abnormal opening) between gallbladder and duodenum. Eventually the large gallstone falls into the bowel and migrates distally and lodges in the narrower part of small bowel and creates bowel obstruction.
Surgical procedure of Gallstone Ileus
This video demonstrates the laparoscopic surgical management of Gallstone Ileus by creating an enterotomy and removing the gallstone from the bowel and reliving the bowel obstruction. Patient did very well postoperatively and was discharged on second day.
At Surgical Oasis Institute Dr. Iraniha who has expertise in performing Gallstone Ileus removing, laparoscopic surgery procedures as well as all other methods and techniques including robotic surgery and open approach, would give the patient the best possible options and alternatives to reach the desired goals.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Iraniha, please call our office at (949) 646-8444 Thank you.