Robotic ventral hernia repair with primary closure and mesh placement by Dr. Iraniha
This is a 55 years old female with BMI of 32 who presented with a large supra-umbilical bulge with on and off pain and discomfort during activity and straining and her physical examination was consistent with ventral hernia. This video demonstrates the advantage of the robotic surgery platform to repair a ventral hernia in a patient with high BMI.
Robotic Hernia Repair Platform
The wristed instrumentation and superb visualization of the robotic hernia repair platform allowed the surgeon to proceed with minimally invasive approach to close the ventral hernia defect primarily and secure the mesh to the abdominal wall without using any traumatic tackers.
The application of this technology not only is associated with less post-operative pain and faster recovery, but also eliminates the high possibility of the post-operative wound complications seen in open hernia repair.