Laparoscopic removal of gastric foreign body with primary repair of the gastric defect by Dr Iraniha
At the Orange County Surgical Center, Dr Iraniha Laparoscopic Specialist is operating a 56 years old female who presented with two weeks history of worsening epigastric abdominal pain and her abdominal CT scan showed a sharp object penetrated through the posterior wall of the body of stomach at the level of lesser curvature into the retroperitoneal space with significant inflammatory process. She underwent an upper endoscopy which showed inflammation at the lesser curvature with no evidence of a foreign body. This video demonstrates the laparoscopic surgery removal of the gastric foreign body with primary closure of the gastric defect. The foreign body was 4 cm fish bone which was penetrated through the posterior wall of the stomach into the lesser sac with associated inflammatory reaction and abscess formation. The postoperative course was unremarkable. She underwent and upper GI study on post-operative day 2 which was normal with no evidence of leakage. The patient was discharged from the OC Surgery Center to her home the next day with no complication. If you need a Laparoscopy Surgery contact Dr Iraniha at (949) 646-8444. Thank You.