Laparoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Placement
This is a 61 years old male with history of multiple abdominal surgeries for placement of the gastrostomy and jejunostomy feeding tubes in the past. He recently required another feeding tube due to recurrent inability to tolerate the oral diet and significant malnutrition. An attempt for an endoscopic guided percutaneous placement of gastrostomy tube by gastroenterologist was unsuccessful. Therefore a Laparoscopic surgical intervention was needed.
Laparoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Placement Video
This video demonstrates the laparoscopic approach for lysis of adhesions and placement of gastrostomy tube. The procedure was less than one hour and performed as an outpatient setting. Patient was discharged to his nursing home and the enteral feeding through the new gastrostomy tube was started in the following day with no difficulty. Obviously, the advantages of Laparoscopy procedure compare to the open technique was less pain, less hospital stay and faster recovery. For appointments, contact Dr Iraniha Hernia Specialist at Surgical Oasis Orange County Surgical Center or you can call us at (949) 646-8444. Thank you