Robotic assisted TAPP repair for a giant scrotal inguinal hernia By Dr. Iraniha
This is a 29 years old male with long history of a large bulge in his right groin with extension to his right scrotal region who presented with on and off pain and discomfort, especially during activity and exercise and found to have a giant right scrotal inguinal hernia. This video demonstrates the challenging dissection and reduction of the giant scrotal inguinal hernia sac.
Robotic surgery platform
The wristed instrumentation and superb visualization of the robotic platform allowed the surgeon to proceed with minimally invasive approach to dissect and reduce the giant hernia sac in spite of its extensive adhesion to the vital structures and minimize the possibility of operative complications. The usage of this technology has broaden the application of the minimally invasive surgery in the challenging cases and offers less post-operative pain and faster recovery even to this subset of patients. Here at Orange County Surgical Center we perform all kinds of hernia surgeries. If you are having any pain and would like to get an appointment with Dr. Iraniha, please call as at (949) 646-8444. Thank you.