What is internal hernia by Dr. Iraniha
Internal Hernia is essentially a defect or a hole. This defect internal hernia can be in the abdominal wall, diaphragm or pelvic wall which are called abdominal wall hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, or pelvic wall hernia, respectively. However, there is a condition called internal hernia when due to previous surgical procedure or previous intraabdominal infection or inflammation, patient develops intraabdominal scar tissue and adhesion causing intraabdominal defects or internal hernias. These internal hernias have the potential of complications like the abdominal wall hernias such bowel incarceration and obstruction. They are difficult to be recognized before their complications since they cannot be seen in the routine imaging and in most cases, they are diagnosed during surgical intervention and needs to be treated at that time on our Orange County hernia repair center.
Laparoscopy hernia surgery
This Internal hernia video demonstrates a patient who presented with evidence of small bowel obstruction and during laparoscopic surgery found to have internal hernia with incarcerated loop of small intestine stuck in the internal hernia defect that was created due to scar secondary to his previous surgery. After releasing the incarcerated loop of small intestine, I mobilized the scar tissue off the abdominal wall to break down the defect. In some cases, the internal hernia needs to be closed to prevent the future complication.
At Surgical Oasis Institute Dr. Iraniha who has expertise in performing laparoscopic general surgical procedures as well as all other methods and techniques including robotic surgery and open approach, would give the patient the best possible options and alternatives to reach the desired goals. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Iraniha Laparoscopic Expert, please call our office at (949) 646-8444 Thank you.